Understanding Enrollment Trends

2018 Higher Education Benchmarks Explained

For the past five years enrollments for higher education institutions have dropped due to the strengthening economy and declining high school enrollments. 2018 is the first year that projected enrollment trends are expected to grow for undergraduates, but growing brand equity and national enrollments continues to be a challenge.

From 2015 to 2016, overall distance education enrollments grew 5.6%, and 17.5% in the last five years. To meet the demand, more schools are launching online programs, leading to an increasingly crowded marketplace. As more institutions continue to add programs to their portfolio, they must have an aggressive strategy, distinct differentiators, and well-defined targets to enter or maintain their market share in the competitive marketplace.

The main drivers for people enrolling online continues to be career advancement, so demonstrate how your program can help people progress.



The higher education landscape is undergoing immense change, but the schools that know how to navigate it will be successful. By being focused and informed, school marketers and leaders can take advantage of opportunities to grow enrollments and strengthen brand. For them to succeed, they’ll need to be highly targeted and apply dollars where they’ll receive the strongest results.

Join us March 29 for the Webinar
Want to know more? Join me and Chief Marketing Officer Tracy Kreikemeier for the live webinar when we’ll guide you through the Benchmarks. Let us know what questions you have when you register.


Katie Tomlinson, Director of Analytics

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